A Better Plan
A Better Plan
What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.
I Corinthians 2:9
August 7th, 2021 was the day I had been dreaming about since I was a little girl. My family, fiancé and I had spent a year planning our wedding and we were a week away. The details were finalized, and we were so excited!
The Friday before our wedding I got a call from my fiancé, Ryan, who told me that he tested positive for Covid. I was shocked because just that morning I was thinking everything would go off as planned. When I heard this news, I felt a wave of disappointment. I had put so much time and energy into MY plan and now it was destroyed.
That night, God showed me that although I had a plan, He had a different one. This wedding was not going to look like what I had envisioned, but I had to believe that He had something greater in store for me. It wasn’t easy to let go of my dream wedding, but in the midst of the chaos God reminded me of the above verse from I Corinthians – that we can’t even imagine His plans for us.
God, thank you that Your ways are higher than ours, and that You care way too much about us to let us plan our own lives. Help us believe that You are working all things together for good, even in tough situations.
Instead of sitting in the disappointment, we replanned our wedding. The wedding was small but so special. We got to spend quality time with family and really soak in the moment, which we may not have gotten to do if we had the big wedding.
People often asked me how I was managing the change in plans. I was able to confidently say that I was full of joy. The joy wasn’t self-generated, but instead it came from a deep trust in the Lord, knowing that He had a plan that would exceed my own.
My challenge is when things don’t go as YOU planned, try believing that God has a greater plan for your life. He will always deliver!
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