One-third of our lives are spent at work. When you consider errands, chores, hobbies, or raising children, the percentage of our lives we spend working can be significantly higher than 30 percent. Considering how much time we spend working, is there a connection between our work and our spiritual health? This week, we’ll discuss how work is more than something we do to pass the time here on earth, it’s one of the ways we live with God as His image-bearers.

Discussion Questions

Read Genesis 1:26. What does it mean to be made in God’s likeness?

Considering your answer to the first question, what does it mean to reign or “have dominion” like God? (Read Exodus 34:6-7; John 3:16 for examples)

Would you consider yourself creative? Why or why not?

Think of the work you do throughout the day/week/year, both paid or unpaid. How is your work helping to push the world forward with God?

When is the last time you took delight in your work? How would you describe that feeling to someone else?

Why is it important to our spiritual health to have a balance between creating and delighting?

Further Reading

The Power of Vulnerability

It might seem natural to equate spiritual health with an absence of weakness and vulnerability. Maybe it’s exactly the opposite. Sometimes power and strength are found where we least expect them. Could it be that running from weakness is actually a weakness? We become...

Hearing God’s Voice

If we said we had a personal relationship with another person, we’d all assume, at the very least, some degree of regular, back-and-forth conversation. So how does a “personal relationship with God” work? We talk to God through prayer, but how does God talk back to...

Caring for One Another

God has gifted each of us to contribute to the spiritual well-being of the body of Christ. Being good stewards of our gifts means using them to impact the lives of others. Loving one another, serving one another, accepting one another, and encouraging one another are...

Freedom From the Past

Our past marks us. Those experiences go into making us the people we are. But some of those experiences we would rather forget. Guilt, shame, and regret can carve deep gashes in our souls—permanent reminders of another life we would prefer to leave behind. But God...

The Dark Night

Following Jesus on the path towards spiritual health sometimes leads us up mountaintops. Here, God's presence is a tangible experience, and activities like prayer, scripture reading, and worship are fulfilling. However, as we continue to follow Jesus, we will...