This week we turn our attention to Noah, a righteous man living amidst crookedness and depravity, a man whose name significantly connotes relief, comfort, rest. We will spend this week paying close attention to the structure of the narrative. Just as you did with the...
Paradise Lost
At the end of Genesis 2, we find ourselves in a perfect garden, an ordered creation pronounced unequivocally good by its Creator. But human experience tells us that we are far from such a place now. In Genesis 3, we are given an explanation for the brokenness, sorrow,...
Ruth – Week 4
This week we will see God’s sovereign hand directing the fate of these widows as they seek to begin a new life. We will focus on Ruth 2. Read all of Ruth 2 in one sitting. We see Ruth’s devotion as she rose to action to provide for Naomi. God’s hand graciously led her...
Hosea Part 6
Look Back & Learn This begins our fifth and last cycle of sin, judgement, and restoration. This week, Hosea will remind the Israelites of their past. They will be reminded of Jacob, one of the patriarchs and the namesake of their nation. They will be reminded of...
Hosea Part 4
Fickle and Faithless Last week, we saw that in spite of Israel’s sin and stubbornness, God desires for them to know Him and return to Him. This week, we will begin the fourth cycle of sin, judgment, and restoration. Both Israel and Judah continue to break their...