Brad Lindner

Brad and his wife Bekah live in Reisterstown. When he’s not at LifePoint, you can usually find him sipping craft coffee while reading a good book. He loves traveling around the world and meeting new people wherever he goes. He’s generally low maintenance, except when it comes to his beard.


We often think we know where we are heading and even how we’re going to get there. God often has other ideas. Sometimes He allows us to go through storms that threaten to batter and break us. At such times surrender to a God who would allow such storms seems like the...

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Study Guide Download Jesus’ resurrection changed everything. It changed how we can relate to God, moving us from the slavery of sin to the freedom of grace. From the moment of Jesus’ resurrection, his followers knew that everything would be different. God was about to...

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Processing Our Pain

Our culture would rather avoid emotional pain and suffering than engage it. These experiences are treated as obstacles to living life to its fullest. Yet when we look back at our lives it’s usually the difficult events that have shaped us the most. Far from getting in...

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