Jonah Week 3
The Church That Affirms Authority
in 1 Peter 2:13-3:7, Peter shows how Christians should relate to authority. He challenges revolutionary and capitulatory extremes by urging Christians to allow their response to be guided by faith, not dictated by circumstances.
Hope That Lives Into Holiness
1 Peter 1:1-2:3 inspires us with the truth that what we believe about the future return of Christ ought to have a profound effect on us in the present.
Jude Week 6
Jude – Week 2
The Long-Awaited Son
At long last, Isaac arrives- -a miraculous birth that emphatically answers the question' Is anything too hard for the Lord? If Abraham's life were made into a movie, the director would probably be tempted to roll the credits and drop the curtain right after the birth...
Six Days and a Rest
This week the curtain goes up on the great story of Genesis. In its opening scene, we find God doing what He does best: bring light into darkness, order after chaos, rest after toil, all through the power of his word....
Ruth – Week 2
In a dark time when Israel did “what was right in their own eyes,” we see a story of love, commitment, and redemption set in motion with the least likely protagonist - a woman. With that valuable information in mind, read through the entire book of Ruth in one...