Be Near
God wants to be near us. He wants to spend time with us and to teach us how to become the people He wants us to be. But for many of us that’s not our routine experience. Today we’ll talk about how to experience God’s presence in an amazingly powerful way. We’ll talk a out a man that figured it out, and left behind instructions on how we can do it too. And practicing this will, literally, change your life.
Discussion Questions
Think of a scenario where you worked diligently at something to get better at it (e.g., playing an instrument, your profession, even a video game) and eventually achieved a high level of proficiency. How did it feel once you had become proficient? Was it worth the time and effort you invested? Why?
Read these verses which are all commands: Rom 12:2, Eph 4:23, Col 3:10. What are they telling the reader to do? Read their context. What do they say the result will be?
Consider the commands in the previous question, and read these verses: Col 3:2, Josh 1:8, Ps 16:8, Ps 119: 97. What do they tell us we are to do? Discuss ways that you might do this on your own or with a group.
Read Matt 13:44-46. What’s the point Jesus is trying to make in these mini-parables? Can you think of a modern day scenario that would communicate the same idea?
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 and consider the phrase in V5 “…we take every thought captive…” What does this mean? Why take “thoughts captive?” Consider reading the verse in NIRV or The Message translation if you’re not sure. How is this verse similar to 1 Cor 9:27?
Read Psalm 23. How many verses are there? How would you summarize verses 1-3 and 4-6? How do the pronouns change between verses 1-3 and 4-6? Consider memorizing this Psalm.
Worship Matters
It’s easy to come into a church building, sing songs, listen to a message, and walk away thinking this is all there is to worshiping God. But what if God is telling us that worship is so much more than that? In Part 8 of Cultivate we explore what true worship really...
More Than A Conversation
Think of a list of spiritual practices and close to the top you’ll usually find prayer. Prayer is foundational—even expected on a checklist of spiritual behaviors. But anyone honestly experimenting with prayer has found it difficult, rewarding and even confusing. Try...
Keeping It To Yourself
In a culture where people clamor for attention and recognition, those secure in Christ have no need of the spotlight. One discipline in particular helps us give both the credit and glory to God. Even when we do good things, we can escape a look-at-me mindset by...
Choose Your Service
Serving isn’t glamorous. Giving of our time and energy can seem like an inconvenience. But it is never a waste of time. In God’s economy, the goodness we experience in our lives is always greatly multiplied when we choose to follow him and walk in the good works he...
Dig Deeper
The Bible has the power to transform our hearts and our lives when we engage with it because it connects us with the very words of God. Just like anything worth learning, to truly know it, we must not only read it, but, study and reflect on it. Going deeper takes more...
Peace In Quiet
The noise and pace of life can be both intoxicating and maddening. No wonder God reminds us that we can’t cultivate the soil of our lives and grow in Him at dizzying speeds. Growing requires slowing. That’s why the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence—while...
Grow Up
We receive new life the moment we believe Jesus for it. But in order for that life to be experienced to the fullest we must cooperate with God in our spiritual growth. No one grows passively. When we cultivate the soil of our lives through deliberate, spiritual...