During our Be Rich series, our church has been mobilized toward radical generosity, acts of service and simple gestures of kindness. But it’s possible to be rich in another area that often gets neglected. In each of us lies a capacity of enormous power. It’s a power...
Love Stories
It’s easy to say that we love someone or a group of people and it’s good and right to communicate that love with our words. Putting that love into action, however, can be challenging at times. If we don’t demonstrate our love in our actions, our words about love...
Serve It Up
It’s easy to get swept downstream in the current of consumerism. In a me-oriented society, our lives can instinctively become all about us—our money, our time, our pleasure. But the one wishing to follow Jesus and walk as He walked will eventually be confronted with a...
Give to Get to Give
Imagine our whole church unleashed into our community to make a difference. It’s called Be Rich. We’re taking Paul’s simple advice to Timothy and putting it into practice: “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” (1...