The Power of Pysanka I f asked to name an Easter tradition that began before Christ was born, could you do it? Here’s a hint: in America, the tradition involves a small colored tablet, a splash of white vinegar, and usually, a very fun mess. If you guessed decorating...
Enjoying Easter From Afar
Change Is Good: Enjoying Easter From Afar O ne of my favorite parts of any holiday is enjoying how those I love are celebrating via their social media. This past year, I’ve seen my share of posts lamenting the difficulty in being separated from extended family and...
New Life, Locally
New Life, Locally W hat do Jesus’ resurrection and addiction recovery have in common? It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, doesn’t it? Thankfully, the answer is nothing to laugh at and everything to be grateful for. New life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore...
Making Easter Good in the Neighborhood
Making Easter Good in the Neighborhood H olidays can be a wonderful way to establish traditions with those we care about. During a year where home remains the most popular place to be, many of us realize the value in the relationships in our closest proximity – not...
Creative Egg Hunts for All Ages
Creative Egg Hunt Ideas For All Ages A s we face another Easter where things may look different than they have in previous years, we are no longer strangers to rethinking new ways to celebrate old traditions. Fortunately, there are limitless creative ways to partake...