

Today. We can’t get enough. We binge watch it. Supersize it. Buy it. Just gotta have it. We need more to fill that void, then forget about it. Here’s the deal though. The issue is in the heart. Listen to the part. The control is out of your hands. You worship what you...

the god of control

the god of control

There is one true God. But all around us are substitute gods competing for our devotion. You don’t have to bow down to a statue to be an idolater. False gods are everywhere. One false god that screams for our attention is the god of control. When we’re satisfied only...

Freedom Sunday

Freedom Sunday

Near the beginning of His ministry, Jesus stood up in the synagogue and said, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to...

Come and Go

Come and Go

Have you ever wondered what the Christian life is all about? Jesus Christ calls people to follow Him, to be changed by Him, and to go on mission with Him. His mission is for us to be disciple-makers, disciples who make disciples. That's what He wants our lives to be...

Come and Die

Come and Die

When we believe, Jesus invites us to follow Him and live with Him as apprentices of His way. This is an invitation to come and die to ourselves in order to follow Him into a new life with the Father. To die to our sin, our brokenness, our plans to save ourselves, and...

Come and See

Come and See

Jesus never insists that we clean up our lives before we can be rescued and redeemed. Thank God. Jesus, instead, invites us to take a closer look. To listen to the whispers of our curiosity. To come and see who He really is. Jesus is still inviting people to draw...

Becoming Unoffendable

Becoming Unoffendable

Seems like there’s plenty to be upset about in our world. We can even get personally offended by the actions and comments of others around us. Here’s a radical, relational idea: What if you can become unoffendable? That’s right—unoffendable. It’s rare but possible....

Counterfeit Connection

Counterfeit Connection

Our relationships develop and grow through the stories we tell each other. We connect with people when we know the past they've come from, the present they live in, and the future they hope for. We feel connected when those people also know our stories. But when...

Well Invested

Well Invested

Our society puts great emphasis on being well invested financially. There is no end to the programs and podcasts about how to invest wisely in real estate, IRA’s, 401K’s and the like, but how do we become well invested relationally? As in all investments, each of has...

The Rumbling of Grumbling

The Rumbling of Grumbling

It’s a word we don’t use much anymore. It even sounds a little old fashioned and out of date. Grumbling. You see the word all over the pages of the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Grumbling is all about griping or complaining or murmuring or carping or...

Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

One of the most significant barriers to relationships is the failure to listen. It is impossible to effectively relate to others if we’re not listening. When we do listen, relationships come to life. Listening makes us feel heard, understood, valued, loved. The power...



We’re all made to live in community. But today we find ourselves living increasingly isolated lives. As we further disconnect from other people, we lose not only the support of community we need, but we also lose the sense of fulfillment in Christ that God intended...

Singing Off Key

Singing Off Key

There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing us that people do moderately well at evaluating others, but are often terrible at evaluating themselves.  As a result, many of us are not self-aware in regard to our relationships. Said another way, we don’t have a...

Next Level Faith

Next Level Faith

Sometimes we forget the power of a friend. Inside jokes, encouragement, support, and camaraderie all add together to make for a good friendship. However, the mark of true friendship is ultimately based on love. True friends exercise sacrificial love for one another....



American culture gives us almost no need for loyalty. We regularly switch brands or cancel plans via text message. We have learned to avoid commitment as a negative thing, forgetting the benefits that accompany it. In this sermon, we’ll discuss the need to remember...

The Art of Showing Up

The Art of Showing Up

Chances are good you are the person you are because of someone else who showed up in your life: a teacher, a coach, a small group leader. Chances are also good that you are the person you are because of someone you expected to show up but didn’t. Jesus is our model...

Exuberant Encouragement

Exuberant Encouragement

One of the most powerful choices we can make in our relationships with others is the choice to encourage them. Encouragement builds courage into others. But it’s rare. Maybe we’re reluctant to encourage because we don’t know how. Or maybe we’re afraid. Will...

The Comparison Trap

The Comparison Trap

It seems innocent enough. What harm is there comparing ourselves to others? From social media to friendly competition, our culture is a breeding ground for comparison. Maybe you’ve fallen victim without even realizing it. But comparison kills. The fruit of comparison...

Give Me a Break

Give Me a Break

Summer is upon us and that means a welcome break from the normal rhythms of life - time to slow down, rest, vacation.  At least, that’s what it’s supposed to mean. The truth is that our culture doesn’t do rest very well; the rhythm always seems to be high tempo. We...

Investing for Life

Investing for Life

One life. That’s all you get. So, it makes sense to pay careful attention how you’re living that life. The most important change in life occurs when we believe in Jesus for eternal life. We’re freely given a new nature and are guaranteed life after death. But until...

Stand for the Orphan

Stand for the Orphan

God’s Word makes it clear that orphans are close to His heart. He calls us to defend the cause of orphans. Here at LifePoint, one of the ways our church family cares for orphans is through Alpha Life, an orphan ministry in Dnipro, Ukraine. In partnership with Orphan...