Day 1

Five Proverbs about Wisdom

from the Proverbs reading plan

Read the Word

Proverbs 1:5,7-9 | Proverbs 2:1-12 | Proverbs 3:1-8 | Proverbs 9:10 | Proverbs 12:15


Have you ever received some really great advice? A pithy statement that you can recite at a moment’s notice, that almost always rings true? Proverbs is full of such advice – concise, witty and spot-on, for whatever situation you may find yourself in.

Written primarily by King Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, Proverbs is more than helpful advice – it’s a book about wisdom. Wisdom is essentially skill at living, helping us navigate through life and guiding us to the right path. Wisdom helps us avoid pitfalls and the unpleasant consequences of poor choices.

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about wisdom itself. Wisdom starts with a right relationship with God. A key component of wisdom is trust – trusting in God and being willing to listen and trust others who are wiser than us. Wisdom isn’t a personality trait that some people have and some don’t – we can all pursue wisdom and grow in it. Finally, wisdom brings some incredible benefits – protection from evil, extended life span, favor with others and success in the eyes God and other people, and more.

 As we spend the next 14 days in the book of Proverbs, we’ll focus on how to be wise – in our relationships, with our money, with our choices and more. This plan is not an exhaustive study in Proverbs. All the topics covered have many more than five proverbs addressing them. But we’ll look at some guiding principles to help us make right choices. Above all, we will see that wisdom is rooted in knowing God – studying His Word, emulating His character, listening to His voice. May we continue to grow in wisdom and knowledge of our Creator.


Who in your life would you consider to be a wise person? What is it about them that seems wise?

When you look at the benefits of wisdom, which one is most appealing to you? How have you seen the benefits of wisdom or the consequences of foolishness play out in your own life or in the lives of those around you?

What is one thing you can do today to grow in your knowledge of God?