Day 18: Do You Hear What I Hear

by Dec 18, 2020Christmas 2020, Devotional, Songs of Christmas

Said the night wind to the little lamb

Way up in the sky, little lamb

Do you see what I see


Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy

Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy

Do you hear what I hear


Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king

In your palace wall, mighty king

Do you know what I know


Said the king to the people everywhere

Pray for peace, people everywhere

Listen to what I say


The child, the child

Sleeping in the night

He will bring us goodness and light

I was recently joking with a friend that if I were to write a real-life version of “Do You Hear What I Hear” it would focus around the sounds of children griping over logging into their virtual classes, the clang of dishes piling up in the sink, the ping as my husband texts asking if I’ve remembered to schedule a grocery pick up this week, and the buzzer on the dryer reminding me that, yet again, there is a mountain of laundry ready for me to fold.

My friend smiled delightedly.  “Oh, that song is one of my all-time favorites!” she said.

“Really?”  I said. “Tell me why.”

“Well it’s nothing profound,” she replied. “I just love the progression. It all starts so simply with the wind. The wind tells the lamb to look for God in the star. The lamb then tells the shepherd to listen to God’s voice. The king listens to the shepherd and uses his power to spread God’s message of peace to the world. I just love that reminder… to look for God in the simple humble places we normally miss or ignore.”

“And you say it’s nothing profound!” I said, laughing.

Do you hear what I hear?  Children who are learning despite being unable to return to school.  Dishes once full of food to nourish our bodies and spirits. A loving partner to help me manage the responsibilities of the household.  An abundance of clean clothes to keep us warm.

These are all gifts from God, delivered simply and humbly.  I needed my friend to remind me not to miss or ignore these gifts, and I am hoping that my words here will serve as the same reminder to you.

What humble and simple gifts from God bring you goodness and light this season?  What do they sound like?  And most importantly – are you hearing them?


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