Iron Sharpens Iron

by Sep 23, 2020LP Students Devo, Students

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17


The writer isn’t specifically talking about iron, or metal. The writer is saying that when two strong things work together, they become stronger. That’s what believers are supposed to be doing for each other. Pushing each other to become stronger in faith and stronger in God.


I hear this phrase a lot during football practice. When you better athletes are working with the athletes that are struggling we do it to push them. The same is meant for Christians. We’re supposed to build up and push other Christians. Reading the Bible was never meant to be a solo act. The Bible is meant to be debated about and talked through with other people. When you allow other people to come into your process of how you understand the Bible, then you’re helping someone understand a different perspective. That’s how iron sharpens iron. That’s how you become a stronger believer, by letting in others, to hear different opinions, and grasp a deeper meaning of what the Bible is telling you.


God, you really have a way to make us think. Thank you for giving us something that is able to connect us with you in a way that sometimes we forget about. It’s as easy as opening your word, and reading it, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Help us take your word into the world and find other believers that want to learn more. Allow us to open or ears and our minds up to them so that we can grasp a better understanding of your word. Help that person also become stronger in the faith because we pushed each other to think and process information in a different way. Be with us through this, because for some of us, sharing is the hardest part. Amen.

Love Thy Neighbor

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your should and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."  Mark 12:30-31 OBSERVATION God instructs his people...