What If You Can Make a Difference

by May 7, 2017Sermon, What If...

At some point in your childhood you were most likely asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Maybe you followed those early inklings or maybe not. Regardless of your profession, you can make a difference in the world around you. God only holds you responsible to be the person He has made you to be. He wants to see you become a change-agent by cooperating with Him and working alongside others to make a difference during your lifetime.

What If It’s Not About You

We live in a selfie-centered culture. We seem to be people increasingly concerned with “likes” and “follows.” But the energy required for image management can take its toll. What if it’s not about you? What if your life is to be all about God and His desires for you?...

What If You Can Be Happy?

Take a casual survey and you might find your answer at the top of the list. What is your greatest desire in life? Common answer: “I just want to be happy.” There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be happy. But maybe there are different kinds of happiness and...

What If It’s Real?

Each year Easter is celebrated all over the world in all kinds of cultures. Some celebrate out of tradition or even religious ritual. Others consider the Easter Bunny to be the center-stage character in the Easter story. But of course, Easter is the celebration of the...