Exuberant Encouragement
One of the most powerful choices we can make in our relationships with others is the choice to encourage them. Encouragement builds courage into others. But it’s rare. Maybe we’re reluctant to encourage because we don’t know how. Or maybe we’re afraid. Will encouragement be there for us if we give encouragement away? Imagine the relational revival if we all became people of exuberant encouragement.
Discussion Questions
The biblical definition of the Greek word, “encourage” (parakaleo) is to urge, exhort and comfort. In what sense does the idea of encouragement imply building courage into someone? How are you most likely to be encouraged by others?
The command to encourage others (parakaleo) is found throughout the New Testament. Read the following verses from 1 Thessalonians and highlight any themes you see regarding encouragement: 1 Thessalonians 2:11, 3:2, 4:1, 5:11.
Read Hebrews 3:12-13. Why does the writer of Hebrews urge us to encourage each other daily? Who do you encourage daily (or often)? Who encourages you?
Think about the word “discourage”. How is your courage affected when you are discouraged? What kinds of things create discouragement in you? Read Acts 14:21-22, 15:32, and 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Why were people sent to encourage fellow believers?
The historic preacher John Wesley would often require small group members to ask a pointed question of each other: “How is it with your soul?” How can this question help us build an encouraging community? How would you answer that question today?
Why are words one of the most powerful ways we can encourage others? Read Proverbs 12:25, 15:4, 16:24, 18:21. In the next few days, deliberately target someone to be the recipient of your encouragement! Through your encouragement, you could make a profound difference for another person.
Becoming Unoffendable
Seems like there’s plenty to be upset about in our world. We can even get personally offended by the actions and comments of others around us. Here’s a radical, relational idea: What if you can become unoffendable? That’s right—unoffendable. It’s rare but possible....
Counterfeit Connection
Our relationships develop and grow through the stories we tell each other. We connect with people when we know the past they've come from, the present they live in, and the future they hope for. We feel connected when those people also know our stories. But when...
Well Invested
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The Rumbling of Grumbling
It’s a word we don’t use much anymore. It even sounds a little old fashioned and out of date. Grumbling. You see the word all over the pages of the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Grumbling is all about griping or complaining or murmuring or carping or...
Are You Listening?
One of the most significant barriers to relationships is the failure to listen. It is impossible to effectively relate to others if we’re not listening. When we do listen, relationships come to life. Listening makes us feel heard, understood, valued, loved. The power...
We’re all made to live in community. But today we find ourselves living increasingly isolated lives. As we further disconnect from other people, we lose not only the support of community we need, but we also lose the sense of fulfillment in Christ that God intended...
Singing Off Key
There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing us that people do moderately well at evaluating others, but are often terrible at evaluating themselves. As a result, many of us are not self-aware in regard to our relationships. Said another way, we don’t have a...
Next Level Faith
Sometimes we forget the power of a friend. Inside jokes, encouragement, support, and camaraderie all add together to make for a good friendship. However, the mark of true friendship is ultimately based on love. True friends exercise sacrificial love for one another....
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The Art of Showing Up
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