Fear Not

by Sep 23, 2022Easy and Light

Fear Not

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Tim 2:7 (NLT)


Some say fear is a sin. That seems strange to me. Why is it that we sin simply by being faced with something that scares us? Is because, as this 2 Timothy 2:7 alludes, the Spirit lives in us and He fears nothing? Or is fear a sin because it means we are not trusting God to take care of us? When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was very afraid! It was hard for me to grasp why it happened. I felt like I was living a good life as a good person – I was serving at church, loving my family and friends unconditionally… so why was it happening to me? I lacked trust. It felt like there was a fine line between putting my complete trust in God to see me through and keeping some level of control over the situation. Then I realized – that’s the pride in me.
Trusted Father. I love how you work through my friends and family to show me Your love. Give me courage to trust you completely. Release me from my fear.

I came to understand that putting my complete trust in Him means letting go and trusting other people as well. We aren’t meant to do life alone. He uses people to bring glory to His kingdom, so it stands to reason that, when we find faithful people to live this Christian life with, we need to trust them and trust that God is working through them to help us through our trials.

The cancer diagnosis afforded me the opportunity to do just that, and God did not disappoint. I was fearful and worried about what I would face and put it out there to several trusted friends. Sure enough, they prayed and encouraged me until I found myself at peace.

I learned that I can completely trust Him and those faithful others. And I will be rewarded when I do.

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