Feasting On Jesus

by Mar 25, 2018Communion, Sermon

We need food and water to survive. It shouldn’t surprise us that God would choose the picture of these absolute necessities to draw parallels to the spiritual life. And today as we celebrate communion, we’re reminded that Jesus took things a step further when He invited people to eat His flesh and drink His blood. His remarks at least get our attention as we consider what it means to feast on Jesus.

Discussion Questions

Life in Jesus is often described in the Bible with the pictures of food or water. (Bread of life, water springing up to life). What might be significant about God’s use of the picture of food or drink to describe the spiritual life?

Read John 4:9-14. What is the living water Jesus is describing? What does Jesus mean when He says that you will not thirst again if you drink this water?

Jesus also mentions food when He describes Himself as the “bread of life.” Read John 6:35. What did Jesus mean when He described Himself as bread? What does it mean to never hunger or never thirst?

Now Jesus chooses a vivid and almost offensive analogy. Read John 6:47-58. What point was Jesus making? What does it mean for you to “eat Christ’s flesh and drink His blood?” Is Jesus promoting cannibalism?

What is the purpose of communion or the Lord’s Supper? Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Is communion meaningful to you or just another ritual or somewhere in between? Why?

The Bible also describes getting to know God as a yearning or longing to pursue Him wholeheartedly. If possible, describe your passion for God over the last month (in the best way you can). What is life like when you are pursuing God as the highest relational priority of your life?

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