Our past marks us. Those experiences go into making us the people we are. But some of those experiences we would rather forget. Guilt, shame, and regret can carve deep gashes in our souls—permanent reminders of another life we would prefer to leave behind. But God reminds us that He can free us from the unwanted narrative of past failures and sins. Through Christ, freedom is real and rewarding. And it’s possible for all who follow Him.

Discussion Questions

1. The subject of sin is part of the story of humanity. What is sin? What sins in your past are still a cloud over your head?

2. God dealt a death blow to sin through the death of Christ. Read John 1:29. How did Jesus take away your sin? Compare 2 Corinthians 5:19.

3. In the new covenant, God offers a new strategy for dealing with sin. Read Hebrews 8:12-13 and Romans 11:27. If God knows everything, in what sense does he “forget” your sins?

4. When you think of the word “shame,” what other similar words come to mind. What does shame feel like? When have you most recently felt shame?

5. We might also describe shame as “the feeling of not being enough.” Why is this feeling particularly destructive? When have you experienced the feeling of not being enough?

6. Shame is first mentioned in the earliest description of the first man and woman’s connection with each other and with God. Read Genesis 2:25. Why do you think being “unashamed” is mentioned here?

Further Reading

Searching for Reconciliation

Confronting others concerning biblical/theological compromise is never easy or pleasant. Such encounters must be handled with sensitivity to the needs of others, directed by spiritual wisdom and the Scriptures, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Paul closed chapter two of...

Searching for Courage

On the surface, hearing God and following His commands seems straightforward. However, when God calls us to do something that generates fear in us and feels daunting, second-guessing His call becomes reasonable. Finding the courage to obey such a call is overwhelming....

Searching for the Abundant Life

Jesus explicitly explained his purpose when He said “…I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). He said similar things many times, and these ideas are repeated, over and over again, by those who wrote the New Testament. Yet many people,...

Searching for Real Friendship

Some relationships may imitate friendship, but there’s no substitute for the real thing. Exploring the relationship between David and Jonathan in the Bible, we’ll identify some distinguishing features of friendship that are often overlooked and discover how to infuse...