Freedom Weekend
This weekend, churches all across the globe are partnering with International Justice Mission (IJM) in Freedom Sunday. LifePoint is thrilled and honored to participate again this year and to host a very special guest speaker. Sean Litton serves as President of IJM, where he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization, as well as IJM’s strategy and structure, and the recruitment and development of the senior leadership team. We are excited to partner with IJM and to send rescue to enslaved people around the world.
The Honor of Influence
With our eyes set on Jesus we’re changing to become Christ-like influencers. But what is the purpose of that change? Certainly, we bring God glory when our lives more closely resemble His Son. But living like Jesus also means we’re able to influence others by the way...
Engages with God Daily
One way to gauge your progress as a person who wants to follow Jesus is to ask whether or not you engage with God every day. Do you instinctively turn to God as a habit and include Him as a normal part of your life? When we understand God makes movement toward us...
Gives Generously
Giving generously means recognizing that God has given us gifts, talents, possessions, time, and influence to use for His purposes. We are merely stewards of what we have—it all belongs to God. Giving well means giving with open hands and hearts, trusting God to meet...
Invests Relationally
Relationships are central to the Christian Faith. The two greatest commandments in all of scripture are rooted in relationship – love God, love others. Jesus said that all of the words and laws of the Bible could be reduced to our need to love God and others. Indeed,...
How We Love
Our early life experiences, for better or worse, teach us how to love. Stumbling over the same irksome “dance steps” in their relationships, people usually have no clue there’s another way – a better way. Using attachment theory, experts Milan and Kay Yerkovich have...
Loves Extravagantly
Loving others means taking action for someone else. We love others because God has loved us first, with extravagant, unconditional love. Love is meant to be given away in overflowing measure. God demonstrates His own love for us by sending Jesus to die for us. We...
Surrenders Continually
Saying, “I give up,” sounds like defeat unless we are surrendering to God. Victory and purpose in life are found when we live like Jesus lived. When we surrender continually to God we admit our absolute dependence on Him. And we acknowledge that our lives are really...