Gray Night of the Soul
Gray Night of the Soul
FScott Fitzgerald wrote, “In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day.”
These words resonate with me. Maybe they resonate with you too? They accurately describe how I’ve felt during this pandemic. There is anxiety and fear in the air, it’s almost palpable. The news bombards us. Opinions divide our neighbors, family and friends. This quarantine feels unending. The days feel the same. Coming one after the next, like crashing waves of the ocean. Our old lives are a faded picture. We remember our beautiful, colorful lives, but today we live in gray.
We keep trying, yet we can’t move the hands of the clock beyond 3 am.
Do you need reminding of this today?
In the midst of this grayness, there is light.
It isn’t my light or your light.
It is Jesus.
HE is our HOPE.
Thank you, Lord, that your Truth brings light and color to our lives, even when it feels gray and dark. Help us choose to fix our eyes on You.
Turn down the volume on fear.
Refuse the cloak of worry.
Shine HIS light in the darkness.
But how?
The way that we do this is to begin with ourselves.
We are collectively experiencing a traumatic event. A dark night of the soul.
We are inundated with negative input.
We must focus on the word of God.
“Word before world” has never been more timely advice.
Start choosing your input.
Sift the negative out.
Let the truth remain.
Jesus reminds us in Isaiah 40:26 “Look up and see!”
It is time to look up. He is there. With you. With me. With our neighbors.
With all of us.
Look up and…
see truth.
see love.
see hope.
see Jesus!
The beautiful thing about a picture painted in gray is that when color is added, it appears even more vibrant. Jesus is that color.
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