He Is There

by Jan 29, 2016Easy and Light

He Is There

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

W hen things go as planned, I can be lulled into a false sense of security. In this American middle-class life, it is easy to fool myself into thinking I don’t necessarily need God in my daily life. I need a Savior, I need Jesus, but I have food to eat and clothes to wear. I have a warm place to lay my head and people who love me. Yet, in a split second, everything can change. Time and time again it is in the hard moments, in the dark moments, in the depths of my despair, that God shows his nearness to me. As I’ve walked the winding road, not sure of my direction, God has shown me that he is right beside me. He loves me fiercely and guides my every step. In the tears and in the pain – that is where God shows me he is inseparable from me. He is there. He will not leave. Ever. He helps me take the next step when everything around me is swallowed up in fog and I cannot see. He is there every minute of every day. Forever.
God, give us eyes to see that you are there. Give us ears to hear your love song through your Word. Give us a heart to know your love is steady and unchanging.

I’m coming out of a difficult season and I am changed. I don’t want to go back to my old ways. I don’t want to be distant from God. My prayer for ALL of us is not for ease, but for moments that point us to God. May God be so real, so near, that He is completely inseparable from us. May you and I be people whose lives not only point to Jesus, but shout his name. In the darkness and in the light, he is LORD of all.

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