Lighten the Load
Life is busy and people are tired. Our days are filled with what seems like a never-ending list of activities and obligations. The hectic nature of life makes us long for rest. This is just what Jesus promises to those who will come to him. He offers rest to those who are weary and a lightened load to those who are burdened. But if Jesus offers us rest why don’t we experience more of it? Why do the burdens we carry not seem lighter? How can we find rest and lighten the load in the midst of our day-to-day busyness?
Searching for the Generous Life
Just like modest investments can grow over time, our investment into God's kingdom generates growth and produces eternal dividends. The apostle Paul presented the Macedonian believers as an example of generous giving to the Corinthian church and to us. Let's explore...
Searching for Reconciliation
Confronting others concerning biblical/theological compromise is never easy or pleasant. Such encounters must be handled with sensitivity to the needs of others, directed by spiritual wisdom and the Scriptures, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Paul closed chapter two of...
Searching for Courage
On the surface, hearing God and following His commands seems straightforward. However, when God calls us to do something that generates fear in us and feels daunting, second-guessing His call becomes reasonable. Finding the courage to obey such a call is overwhelming....