Never Stop Listening to God
When we fail to listen to God, it’s a hearing problem for us not a speaking problem for God. Most notably, God has spoken in His Son Jesus. In the fifth and final warning in the book of Hebrews, the author warns us that it’s a mistake to turn away from God and ignore what He is saying to us. As with the Israelites, the loss for the stubborn believer is real. And faithful listening and enduring is rewarded in the kingdom to come.
Take a look back at Hebrews 1:1-3. How has God spoken? Do you see a common theme in these verses and Hebrews 12:25?
Hebrews 11 is one of the most inspiring chapters in the Bible. How does the writer illustrate faithfulness? What change do you notice in the middle of 12:35? Why would the writer of Hebrews include an entire chapter about people who were examples of faith?
All of us have been tempted to give up. How does the author of Hebrews point to the example of Jesus to encourage our perseverance? Read Hebrews 12:1-6 for clues.
The details of the fifth and final warning are found in Hebrews 12:25-29. How would you summarize this warning?
What are your most significant take-a-ways from our series on the warning passages in Hebrews? How are you most tempted to loosen your grip on Jesus? What motivates you to follow Christ wholeheartedly?
Avoiding Willful Defiance
Even Christians can behave badly. And the Bible acknowledges that a believer can walk away from Jesus all together. To treat God with this kind of contempt is a terrible act of defiance. In the fourth of five warnings in the book of Hebrews, the author tells us about...
The Danger of Falling Away
Salvation is guaranteed the moment one believes Jesus for it. But becoming a Christian never guarantees that we’ll live like one. Spiritual maturity is not automatic. It requires diligent engagement with Jesus if we hope to change and grow. In the third of five...
Beware of Your Unbelief
Even Christians can be people of unbelief. Given tempting circumstances, we might cave under pressure and cease to follow God wholeheartedly. This certainly was the case with the children of Israel who took a major detour of unbelief while on their journey to the land...
Pay Careful Attention
Like other people, there’s a chance you have entertained thoughts about returning to an easier, more comfortable way of life—one that pushes God aside. When the pressure is on, even Christians can become disillusioned with following Jesus. The book of Hebrews is...