Not Forgotten
Not Forgotten
For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.
Psalm 95:3-4
Lately, I’ve been angry. As someone who doesn’t experience that emotion often, it took me off guard that I was feeling angry for multiple days in a row.
After some contemplation, I started to pinpoint my anger. If you didn’t know, I manage social media accounts for my job, and the hate and nastiness on the internet through the past few weeks has been ever increasing. I’ve been reading comment after comment filled with hostility. But what I think angered me the most was seeing self-professed Christians saying vile things and refusing to pray for people they considered their enemy.
As my anger grew, so did my fear and questioning of God.
God, how are you working in this country right now? And what should my response be?
More than a year ago, I wrote a sticky note and plastered it on my mirror in my bathroom. It said “‘Sarah, I haven’t forgotten you.’ —God.” That statement was true then and filled me with reassurance again this week.
As the above verses remind us, God has the whole world in his hands — including you and me. He doesn’t love some of us more than others. His deep, abundant love is for all, even our enemies.
As I continued to contemplate my response to my discouragement, I was struck by this question posed at my job’s daily devotion time: Do we put our trust in the creation more than the Creator?
God, we are so thankful that nothing that is happening in our country now is surprising to You. You knew from before the beginning of time what 2021 would hold. Show us how to better trust You and love our enemies.
I had been taking my eyes off the only One who could provide comfort in these challenging times in our country. As the global Church, we can lead in kindness and trust of the One we know holds the world together. God hasn’t forgotten us. He sees our country’s turmoil and He sees our personal turmoil — offering comfort, love, and peace to all.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. (Psalm 46:1-3)
Today, let’s hold firm to the truths in His Word.
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