Our Finest Hour

by Jun 7, 2020Sermon

It’s possible to experience “our finest hour” in the most challenging of situations. That’s true, in part, because God uses hardships and difficulties to reveal what’s inside of us. Then, we can change and become better with His help. It’s ambitious to envision our finest hour in the middle of our country’s biggest mess. For months, a virus has been threatening our bodies, but for years another virus has been threatening our souls—the virus of racial bigotry. We’re dealing with two pandemics. One is the Coronavirus and one is the Color virus.

Discussion Questions

Take a few minutes to process your thoughts and feelings related to both the Covid-19 crisis and the racial crisis in our country.

Read Matthew 23:37. What do you learn about Jesus in this verse? Can you think of a time when “you were not willing” to come to Jesus or do what He clearly wanted you to do?

How is it possible to miss Jesus even in the Scriptures? What is Jesus really saying in John 5:39-40?

Ask a person in what season have they grown the most and you’re likely to hear a story of hardship and challenge. How has God used difficulty in your life to grow you spiritually?

Read Proverbs 24:10. How does adversity reveal what’s inside of you?

We’re ready for change when we’re humble and teachable. Describe your journey to understand those whose race is different from yours? What have been your most significant learnings?

How can you be actively anti-racist instead of simply “not racist”? How do you define prejudice? How do you break free of prejudice? How can you practically live out Romans 12:18?

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