Peace on Earth
Peace on Earth
And He shall be their peace.
Micah 5:5a (ESV)
Thank you, Lord, that my peace in you does not depend on my circumstances! Allow me to find comfort and rest in your when things feel chaotic and overwhelming.
Yet this is what God promises in the book of Micah: A shepherd will rise up and lead His people with strength and majesty. Seven hundred years later, a baby was born in the town of Bethlehem, fulfilling over 300 prophecies written centuries before. The people expected this Savior would bring instant peace; that all their enemies would be defeated and He would establish a kingdom here on earth. But that is not what happened. He led a simple life, never became a king, and died a sinner’s death.
“Peace on earth” is still an illusion, thousands of years later. Peace in my house is an illusion, to be honest. So often my circumstances are not peaceful. I feel stressed, worried, and overwhelmed. So where is peace in a world that is full of turmoil?
The peace that God promised thousands of years ago was not the absence of war, or death, or pain. In fact, we are told we will have trouble in this world. (John 17:33) But we have a Savior who overcame the world through His defeat of sin on the Cross. Jesus is our Source of Peace, and our peace of mind comes from knowing that His Presence will never leave us here on earth, and that we will spend eternity with Him in heaven.
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