A Worshiping Community
Your Community
We have been talking about community a lot lately. But what does community look like to you? Can we even see the community around us or have we become so tuned in to our day-to-day duties that we are missing the opportunity for genuine community? Possibly, even worse,...
I long to be like my daughter. Taking things at a natural pace and listening to my internal rhythm. Yet, in truth, I am much more like my son. I go and go and go until I drop with exhaustion and then hit repeat and do it again. I’ve begun to notice a pattern. I’m not able to sustain the crazy pace I’ve set for myself. Several times over the past year God has literally stopped me in my tracks. I suddenly was unable, physically or emotionally, to keep going. I was forced to rest.
God Is Community
The Doctrine of the Trinity – that God is One in Essence and Three in Person – is one of the most ancient and well established beliefs in Christianity. While it is perplexing, mysterious, and often confusing, it is far from irrelevant. God’s simultaneous unity and...
The Secret Path to Courage
Sometimes secrets are meant to be told—especially when those secrets could help us change for the better. For many people, finding courage can be a difficult assignment. But what if we all discovered the secret path to courage? Maybe it’s possible to create a...
The Sacrifice of Brokenness
There is a popular prayer in many Christian circles today that says, “Lord, break our hearts with the things that break yours.” It’s easy to look around us and see the things that break the Father’s heart. Those things include injustices of all kinds; hunger, abortion, war, racism to name of few. However, we should make sure that we don’t overlook the things inside of us that break his heart, the sin that so easily besets us.
The Perfect Family
Piles of Stones
God instructed the Israelites to make a pile of stones beside the river banks, as a memorial to his faithfulness. He knows that our memories are fuzzy, that our humanity causes us to question, even when his plan is clear. Sometimes we need something tangible to remind us what he has done in the past, so we can trust him in the uncertain future.
Normally Weird
If you follow Jesus you’re weird. You’re supposed to be weird. You don’t have to read much of the life of Jesus or his teachings to realize that there was something wonderfully weird about him or that he called his followers to live out that same weirdness together....
Don’t Go It Alone
We can be individuals to a fault—independent and self-sufficient, never needing anything from anyone and never giving anything to anyone. But we were created by God to function in community with others. You can surround yourself with people who, with you, can make a...
A Special Kind Of Love
Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so… For many of us this simple song brings back memories of being tucked in at night and our Mothers softly singing us to sleep. Jesus’ love is a very special kind of love that expresses itself for many of us through...
What If You Can Make a Difference
At some point in your childhood you were most likely asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Maybe you followed those early inklings or maybe not. Regardless of your profession, you can make a difference in the world around you. God only holds you...
What If It’s Not About You
We live in a selfie-centered culture. We seem to be people increasingly concerned with “likes” and “follows.” But the energy required for image management can take its toll. What if it’s not about you? What if your life is to be all about God and His desires for you?...
The thought of hospitality makes me feel warm & fuzzy. But if I’m being honest, it also makes me feel anxious and nervous. I have to make myself stop and remember my friends, family, neighbors, co-workers aren’t coming to see my home. They are coming to see me. They are coming to spend time with my family.
What If You Can Be Happy?
Take a casual survey and you might find your answer at the top of the list. What is your greatest desire in life? Common answer: “I just want to be happy.” There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be happy. But maybe there are different kinds of happiness and...
What If It’s Real?
Each year Easter is celebrated all over the world in all kinds of cultures. Some celebrate out of tradition or even religious ritual. Others consider the Easter Bunny to be the center-stage character in the Easter story. But of course, Easter is the celebration of the...
The Age of Undoing
When my selfish agenda is left unfulfilled – or completely reversed – I am tempted to exaggerate, exasperate, and feel completely undone myself. Yet, in these humbling moments, I am reminded of a far, far greater undoing.
In Its Own Time
It’s hard to be stuck in winter when you want spring so badly. I try to hurry God along, because I’m impatient and think I know better than Him. I want my spring now, but its time has not yet come. God has a scope of work that He is accomplishing in this world, and it doesn’t operate on my timetable.
Scandalous Grace
The word “scandal” often gets associated with things that are disgraceful, shameful, offensive or shocking. So, accusing God of scandal is…well…unthinkable. That is, until we look more closely at His grace. God’s plan of redemption through Jesus is scandalous. His...
Lavish Gifts
Sometimes it’s hard for me to receive lavish gifts. I get too caught up in feeling guilty for not reciprocating or feeling unworthy of such extravagant expressions of care and love. But not wanting to receive a gift insults the giver. It shows disregard for the sacrifice of time and money spent and puts the focus on me and my insecurities instead of on the giver and the gift.
Hope for Tomorrow Today
The plans of God can be mysterious and confusing. But it’s possible, no matter the circumstances, to have hope that God is working out His good purposes. Sometimes pain and unpleasant seasons are the result of God’s discipline and sometimes they remind us that we live...
Divided We Fall
It’s a sad story when something starts well and ends poorly. God had picked a people for Himself. They started well with a unified purpose and calling. But soon division threatened to destroy what God was building. Not only was the kingdom divided but worse yet, they...
King of Hearts
What does it look like to have a heart for God? Is it even possible? We know all too well that we are imperfect—we mess up, frequently if not daily. So how then can we possibly have a heart for God? The kingdom is united and God has given them a king. We are going to...
The Gift of Hope
Hope is one gift that God has given only to humans. It one of the gifts that sets us apart from every other living thing He created. Hope that you can find beauty in the ashes. Hope that you can find strength to get up and rise one more day.
If You Can Keep It
Times of wandering don’t last forever. The Bible tells how God brought His people into the land He promised and gave them victory. He was with them in their success just as He had been in their failure and wandering. But as the people of Israel discovered, the...
A Way to Wander
The Bible is a book about wanderers and it was written for people who wander. Throughout its pages we find that those who follow after God are often led to places they never thought God would take them; to forsaken places of wilderness and times of confusion and...
Tender, Precious, and Sacrificial Prayer
Just as Jesus prays for us, we have the privilege and honor to pray for others. You have the power to connect heaven to the person sitting next to you. Doesn’t that blow your mind? We are surrounded by hurting people who need Jesus, who need healing, who need peace, who need wisdom, who need hope, who need someone to hear their groans.
Trust God and Go
God reminds us in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, that it all begins with Him. Yet people seem prone to mistrust God. God is always on a mission to find people who will trust Him—people He can bless to be a blessing to others. God found such a man in Abraham....
Own Your Legacy
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Own Your Destiny
Life is to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest but always with an eye toward eternity. This life is not all there is. After your life is over, you will spend eternity either with God or separated from Him. Your destiny is sealed the moment you believe in Jesus for...