Boasting in the Lord

Boasting in the Lord

Regardless of your political leanings, we all can agree on two things as our new president gets sworn in to office today: one, it is a significant moment in our nation; and two, we all need to be in prayer for our leaders and our nation.

Own Your Prejudice

Own Your Prejudice

No one wants to talk about prejudice. It’s an extremely uncomfortable topic and we tend to try to protect ourselves from it by avoiding the subject entirely or only considering extreme instances. The truth is that each of us has prejudices that have resulted from our...

Our Anchor

Our Anchor

At least once each summer, we rent a boat for the day. There’s something about being out on the open water that fills us both up. This particular trip was just as we’d hoped. Calm water, perfect weather, good tunes on the radio and plenty of food and drinks. Motoring out of the marina, an instant sense of calm washed over us.

Own Your Progress

Own Your Progress

When you “own it” you take responsibility. This is especially true for your spiritual progress. No one can grow for you. Only God has the power to truly change you. But you must choose to engage with God and take responsibility for your spiritual growth. Being honest...

An Unexpected Gift

An Unexpected Gift

The week before Christmas, I came down with legit laryngitis. Not being able to utter a single syllable or a decibel of sound made communicating extremely frustrating. But this setback became an unexpected gift: I was forced to listen.

Promises Promises

Promises Promises

Every year we seem to want to start off in the right direction. We make resolutions or promises that would help us be the person we have always wanted to be, but in the end we almost never fulfill the promises. Can you relate? I resolve to lose 10 lbs this year or I...

Living at Peace

Living at Peace

Peace is defined as “a state of mutual harmony between people or groups.” With seven people and seven very unique personalities, our family is very rarely in a “state of mutual harmony.” As much as I desire for my children to be kind and sweet with each other, my desire alone cannot cause them to live peacefully with each other. Sometimes even with my best efforts, there is not peace in our home.



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Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe

Our culture and our world have changed dramatically in the last few decades. We now live in a “Post-Christian” America in which familiarity with the Bible, respect for Judeo-Christian values and even belief in God can no longer be assumed. As a result, it is often the...

The Untapped Power of Goodness

The Untapped Power of Goodness

It’s impossible to explain the Gospel without using words. But when those words are accompanied by a lifestyle that is good and right, the power of the Gospel becomes exponential. Would those around you describe you as a good person? When our behavior matches our...

There’s More Good News

There’s More Good News

Poverty is oppressive. Its stranglehold destroys hope and ultimately leads to despair. We’ve all known poverty; if not physical poverty then at least spiritual poverty. The good news of the gospel is news that meets people exactly where they are. It’s news that can...

Glory in Brokenness

Glory in Brokenness

The fireplace is lit. The flames leap and dance in a mesmerizing waltz. Twinkling lights adorn the mantle and the tree as the scent of pine lingers in the air. Isn’t this the Norman Rockwell image we all have ingrained in our heads? We all long for the holiday scenes depicted in It’s a Wonderful Life. But for many people, the holidays are laced with brokenness.

Something About Those People

Something About Those People

The good news about Jesus is that He came so that we might have life and have it to the fullest. An offer this amazing can easily seem too good to be true. It is completely understandable that someone would be skeptical or want to reserve judgement. But when we...

Just to be Clear

Just to be Clear

The life-changing hope of the good news about Jesus is too important to make muddy. We owe it to ourselves to be clear about this simple message of salvation. You have a story to tell. But your story can take others only so far. Sooner or later, you’ll need to know...

A Good Place to Start

A Good Place to Start

What if we could help create a culture where sharing the good news about Jesus becomes a natural conversation? Around our church we’ve created an environment where those kinds of conversations can happen. It’s called Starting Point. And in this non-threatening, small...

Good News & Bad News

Good News & Bad News

When we have good news like a job promotion, the birth of a child, or even a new car, we usually want to tell others about it. But when it comes to telling others about the good news Jesus shared, what he’s done for us and what we receive from Him, it’s often...



as a believer, I have access to limitless love, forgiveness, acceptance, and grace. No matter what I have done or will do – it was and is forgiven – once, for all. So when a certain person does that certain thing they do every day, how do I keep forgiving?

Playing Your Part

Playing Your Part

Any remix of any song is incomplete until the instruments and voices are in the same key. And the LifePoint movement, like a musical score, is incomplete unless you’re playing your part. As a believer in Jesus, you have been gifted by God to give yourself to something...

A Melody For the World

A Melody For the World

The world is a big place. And the needs in our world are bigger than ever. When God works in the world He looks for people through whom He can pour His life and love. Our response to Jesus’ Great Commission finds us in different corners of the globe. But we didn’t...

A Song Worth Singing

A Song Worth Singing

A remix can make a good song great. This is especially true when the lyrics of the song are moving and profound. At our church we have a life-changing message of hope for all to hear and experience. Jesus is the hope of the world. Unapologetically, we’re on a mission...

Catching a New Rhythm

Catching a New Rhythm

A remix creates a fresh, new rhythm in the life of a familiar song. It works that way with life too. In a season of exciting transitions, our church is catching a new rhythm and experiencing a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit among us. Our role is to stay yielded to the...



When I think of the word dwell this is what I think of. For decades my family spent summers in the mountains of Pennsylvania in a small lake town. It was the kind of place where time stood still. Watches were unwelcome. Life was slow and simple. We dwelt.

Playing Off-Key

Playing Off-Key

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Contending With Discontent

Contending With Discontent

I’ve noticed lately a disconcerting lack of contentment in my life. Too often, when I observe a situation – whether it’s glancing around my living room, inspecting my outfit in the mirror or reviewing my bank balance – my first reaction is discontentment. I focus on what I need to change, what is missing or what isn’t as it should be.



If you’ve ever felt like you sometimes work against yourself, your suspicion is well-founded. Inside of every one of us lies a capacity to make dumb choices and distance ourselves from God. From our earliest days, human beings have tried to hide from God. But it’s...

Following Your Heart

Following Your Heart

When I see “Follow your heart” slogans, I mentally change it to “Follow God’s heart.” God’s heart is pure love, sacrifice, obedience, humility, forgiveness, patience, and kindness. God says, “For I, the Lord, do not change…” (Malachi 3:6). So even though the emotions of our heart are always changing, God’s heart remains the same. Always.

Who Changed The Rules

Who Changed The Rules

We each have ideas about who God is and how He works. We even believe that God operates by a set of certain rules. If I behave myself and do good things, good things will come to me, many confidently affirm. This arrangement of blessings for obedience is actually...

No Excuses

No Excuses

In all likelihood, you’ve made excuses. Maybe lots of them. Some excuses are elaborate and convincing while others seem absurd and laughable. There’s a good chance you’ve even thrown a few excuses toward God. But like any shrewd parent, God isn’t duped by the excuses...