Praying the Lord’s Will
Praying the Lord’s Will
This is the confidence we have before Him, that,
if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
1 John 5:14 (NLT)
Father, at times we cannot wrap our minds around the circumstances of this life but we choose to trust in you and submit to your will, for it is good, even when we don’t see the goodness. Amen.
In this reality on earth, there are many wills at play: the Lord’s will, our will, other people’s will and the enemy and his forces of darkness. Praying the Lord’s will means we pray for things that align with the heart and character of God. We often don’t have the capability to understand our situations, because we don’t have the ability to understand the mind of God. But we have an opportunity to glorify God when we have faith and trust Him in the not knowing. (John 14:13)
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