Ready for a Savior
Advent is simply about waiting and in the last couple weeks we’ve heard about how to wait and the significance of what we’re waiting for. In this last week of Advent, we seek to understand our role in preparing ourselves. It’s easy for us to create plans for every scenario and possible outcome in our lives, but how does God really define readiness?
Discussion Questions
Would you describe yourself as typically prepared or underprepared in general? Does that change when it comes to Christmas planning?
With regard to sitting in the tension mentioned this week, what does that look like for you? What kinds of things, outside of your control, do you find yourself up against?
If God’s plans are truly better than your own, as in Mary’s case, in what ways could you be more open to that? What would it cost you to live that out?
In what ways can your belief become tangible this Christmas season? In what ways will you allow God to use you for His glory?
There’s nothing like the suspense of anticipation. Sometimes the wait seems like it lasts forever—like a child waiting for Christmas to finally arrive. When Jesus was born that first Christmas, the world had been waiting hundreds of years. But now for all of us, the...
The Promise of a Savior
Most of the events recorded in the Bible took place before Christmas. Long before the first Christmas was the promise that Christmas would come. This promise brought great hope, but it also brought frustration and restlessness. This is still true of Christmas. We...
You Need a Savior
Every human being is born in critical condition. We’re in trouble. Our inability to personally save ourselves and get right with God leaves us completely vulnerable. Christmas begins with your need and ends with God’s love. You need a Savior—a Savior who has come to...