Showing Up Small
Showing Up Small
And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
2020has been a year for the books. We won’t forget it. We’ve all experienced trauma this year. We’ve all experienced loss. I’ve spent many days asking God to fix it; pleading with God to fix it; screaming at God to fix it.
I want Him to show up big because I know He can. Beneath my noise, God whispers.
Where are you God?
The text from your friend at the just-right time?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
Your friend who invited you over for a homemade dinner and glass of wine?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
Your co-worker who shared the kindest words about you?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
Your favorite grocery store clerk who lit up when they saw you?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The person in front of you in the Starbucks drive thru who bought your coffee?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
Your friend on social media who’s always there with the funniest posts?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The person who sent you the nicest email at midnight?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The spectacular sunset you saw the other night?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The quiet beauty of the first snowfall of the year?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The friend who stopped by just to see you?
That was Me.
Where are you God?
The baby who was born in a stable to poor parents, who came to save the world?
That was Me.
God can show up big, but He very often shows up small. In the most important moment in history, He showed up small. If you’re feeling alone and overlooked this holiday season, know that God IS with you. He’s just showing up small.
Our Faithful Partner
Our Faithful PartnerThus says the LORD: “Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce, with which I sent her away? Or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities you were sold, and for your transgressions your mother was sent...
Waiting on Peace
Waiting on PeaceI waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1 (NIV)A while back I made a horrible mistake and I ended up causing some dear friends an incredible amount of pain. I took responsibility for my actions and apologized...
Hearing for the Holidays
Hearing for the HolidaysA fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2 (NIV)As much as I would love for my family holidays to reflect the lyrics of the Christmas music we hear at this time of year, for most of us, having a...