Simple Unplugging
Our immediate access to people and information through the use of technology has become a prevailing cultural norm. What has become the normal daily consumption of input can have a numbing effect on our soul and lead to our faith gradually growing thinner and thinner through neglect. Finding more of God and growing in our faith requires creating space for Him. Simple, intentional unplugging creates this space for us to experience the life-giving power of God while strengthening our ability to resist conforming to a pattern of constant attention-grabbing distractions.
How much of an impact does the availability and use of technology have on your daily life, both positively and negatively? Specifically, how does it impact the time you spend with God daily?
In addressing our use of technology and its assault on our attention, John Eldredge writes, “You can’t give God your attention when your attention is constantly being targeted and taken captive…and you’re cooperating.” What are your thoughts about this statement? Are there times when you find yourself “cooperating” with your attention being taken captive?
What habits and/or practices have you engaged in to help you to resist being conformed to the pattern of this world?
According to Paul in Romans 12:2, what does it mean to be transformed by the renewing of your mind?
Avoiding worldly distractions requires being intentional about creating space in your life for God daily? How intentional are you about creating this space? How much more intentional can/should you be? (Matthew 6:6, Matthew 6:33)
The Simple Daily Things
Too often we look for God in the extraordinary when all the while, He makes His home in the ordinary. God is not that hard to find, especially if we’re looking for Him. Maybe we can get our lives back by inviting Jesus into our everyday routine of life. Pay close...
The Hidden Life of God in You
Does it ever feel like you’re just going through the motions in your faith? You go to church, pray, read the Bible, but you don’t feel a deep connection with God. Instead, you feel a nagging absence as if He’s hiding away somewhere. The good news is God is closer than...
Faith is far more than a feeling. Just because we don’t feel the presence of God doesn’t mean He isn’t there. We are often misled by our emotions, feelings, and circumstances. But choosing to believe in the power and presence of God is a choice. We must make that...
The Gifts of Memory
Time for us travels in only one direction, such that once a moment is past it’s gone forever. While this helps us deal with life’s challenges (“time heals all wounds”) we can also experience a strong sense of loss and even grief as we pass through the joyous times of...
Caring for the Neglected Places in Your Soul
One of the age old practices in our culture is that of presenting who we are as our vocation. We present our occupation title as a means to inform our new acquaintance of our function. In essence, we unknowingly begin to associate our vocations or contribution to...
Surrendering the Self Life
Over time, almost imperceptibly, we can get stuck in the trance of constructing our role in the world, building our identity, and completely miss what God is doing around us. We can spend a lot of time and energy protecting this Self we’ve created at all costs. As...
Remembering Who You Love
The twists and turns of life can sometimes feel like an assault on our confidence that God is good. Doubts can begin to surface, directing our attention away from God and negatively impacting our relationships with Jesus Christ and others. In these instances, we must...
Allowing for Transitions
Doesn’t it seem like the space between “what was” and “what’s next” makes us uncomfortable? Maybe that’s the reason we fill every empty or quiet moment with noise and activity—a glance at our phone between conversations, checking email between appointments, aimless...
Get Outside
Here’s a disturbing reality: we spend most of our lives indoors. We were meant for more than a plastic world with artificial light and re-breathed air. God can be found anywhere. But something special happens when we encounter God outside. Nature has the power to calm...
Kindness Toward Ourselves
There is often enormous pressure to keep up with the non-stop noise and activity of our modern world. Jesus offers us an alternative to this frantic pace but following Him and resisting the pressure around us will require a simple act: kindness toward ourselves. Is...
Drinking Beauty
God paints on a large canvas. His creativity is seen in the grandeur of the mountains, in the wildflowers on a rolling hillside, in classic masterpieces in an art gallery, or in the curious expression on the face of a child. Beauty is all around us. But seeing it...
Pausing to Detach
So much about the pace of life conspires against us. We might even be convinced that the faster we go and the busier we become, the more we’ll get done. But what does that kind of toxicity do to our souls? Could it be that God invites us to find Him through a...