A New Purpose

A New Purpose

Living without purpose is not really living at all. When you find new life in Christ, you can then find a new purpose—an investment of your life that makes sense and brings glory to God. If someone asked, “What is your purpose in life?” how would you respond? Those of...

A Good Old Age

A Good Old Age

Family involves many times and seasons of life. Our roles within our family change, but each role and each season is part of God's plan for family. If we're fortunate, one day we'll find ourselves in the last season - Old Age. While this is a season some of us would...

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

The term “Wisdom Literature” acts as a large umbrella covering a wide scope of writings found in the Bible. It includes prayers, songs, proverbs, stories, romance, philosophy and lament. Some of these works deal with great universal questions of meaning and purpose...