Just like modest investments can grow over time, our investment into God's kingdom generates growth and produces eternal dividends. The apostle Paul presented the Macedonian believers as an example of generous giving to the Corinthian church and to us. Let's explore...
Death and Taxes
Death and taxes are two of life’s certainties, and Jesus responded to questions about those topics to redirect our attention to timeless truth. Remembering the source and owner of all the parts of our life, as well as life itself, radically changes our perspectives....
Giving Matters
Money can activate either greed or generosity within us. When God urges us to share our financial resources for the good of others, He doesn’t do so by appealing to guilt or obligation. God tells us that we can invest in things that really matter by sharing the money...
Money Matters
Money is strange. You need it to live, yet it can squeeze the life right out of you. We shouldn’t find it surprising that God has a lot to say about money and our possessions. Far from being an off-limits conversation even in the church, your view of money reveals...
Things Happen When We’re Grateful
We’ve seen what can happen when our church gives and serves and loves. We influence our surrounding region in profound ways. But we change too. We get influenced by our own acts of generosity and kindness toward others. But there’s another practice that can literally...
Things Happen When We Give
It seems like money is an obsession in our culture. Whether it’s lottery winners or superstars with giant contracts, many people are fascinated by those who “have it all.” Our view of money says a lot about us. And God’s view of money says a lot about God. While money...
Week 2StephenWeek 2 As the first church in Jerusalem grew, it faced both internal division and external opposition. Each of these problems was answered, in part, by Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. Following the Spirit, Stephen responded in faith...
Give to Get to Give
Imagine our whole church unleashed into our community to make a difference. It’s called Be Rich. We’re taking Paul’s simple advice to Timothy and putting it into practice: “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” (1...
Altogether Generous
We’re told “God helps those who help themselves.” And we know that if we give things away, we’ll have less. In addition, many believe what we have is ours, to be used for our own pleasure. When these false narratives are combined, they form a powerful argument against...
A Melody For the World
The world is a big place. And the needs in our world are bigger than ever. When God works in the world He looks for people through whom He can pour His life and love. Our response to Jesus’ Great Commission finds us in different corners of the globe. But we didn’t...