Really Living

Really Living

Have you ever had a moment when you thought, “Now, I’m really living!”? Maybe that feeling came with a thrilling moment, significant achievement, or meaningful experience. All of us want to experience that good life, but those feelings of “really living” seem to fade...

The Power of Vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability

It might seem natural to equate spiritual health with an absence of weakness and vulnerability. Maybe it’s exactly the opposite. Sometimes power and strength are found where we least expect them. Could it be that running from weakness is actually a weakness? We become...

A Temple Without Walls

A Temple Without Walls

In the second chapter of his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul says that believers in Jesus are being built together into a holy temple in which God’s Spirit dwells. It’s a beautiful picture of unity and of believers bound together in peace. However, that...

Beyond Our Failure

Beyond Our Failure

We’ve all failed. From minor mistakes to persistent sins, failure has marked our lives. The best place to turn in times of failure is to God. But sometimes turning to God about our sins just seems to magnify our moral crisis. Thus, we’d prefer to keep our distance...

The Miracles of Jesus – 5 – God of Rescue

The Miracles of Jesus – 5 – God of Rescue

This week we will continue our study on the miracles of Jesus, looking at a story where Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy. This takes place right after he has come down from the Mountain where He was transfigured and His glory was revealed to three of His disciples....

Own Your Prejudice

Own Your Prejudice

No one wants to talk about prejudice. It’s an extremely uncomfortable topic and we tend to try to protect ourselves from it by avoiding the subject entirely or only considering extreme instances. The truth is that each of us has prejudices that have resulted from our...