Missional Living
Proverbs: The Quest for Character

Proverbs: The Quest for Character

We might define success by using external qualities like the amount of money someone accumulates or the amount of fame they achieve. However, in the Bible, we find a successful life is defined by our character - our disposition towards qualities like love and...

Tomorrow, Today

Tomorrow, Today

Every day we all work to control our many appetites. In fact, one could argue that our daily activities as humans are predominately about managing our appetites. Our ambition, drive, and desires all determine our daily decisions for work, rest, and play. What happens...

God’s Unstoppable Purpose

God’s Unstoppable Purpose

We tend to get frustrated when things don’t go our way. And if we’re honest, sometimes our frustration is tied to our stubbornness. But what if God uses tough circumstances to get our attention for a reason? What if He wants to give us a second chance to overcome our...

The Gift of Christ

The Gift of Christ

The love of material things often steals our attention. This leads us to focus on growing our collection of possessions, even thinking that those items can somehow provide authentic, deep life satisfaction. And when our idea of Christmas revolves around a misplaced...

Your Life with God

Your Life with God

Salvation is often viewed as a singular “event” or moment in our lives. By God’s grace, we receive salvation by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus to save us. There is a sense in which this is absolutely true, from the moment of belief we are saved...

Your Old and New Natures

Your Old and New Natures

Have you ever felt unprepared? You’ve probably had a time in your life when you were not prepared at all for what was about to happen. As our flesh constantly fights to lead us further away from God, it’s easy for us to feel unprepared for life. But God prepares us by...

Here I am, Send Me – Who Will Go?

Here I am, Send Me – Who Will Go?

"Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs form the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: "Behold, this has touched our lips; Your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged." Also I heard the...

Here I Am, Send Me – I saw The Lord

Here I Am, Send Me – I saw The Lord

"... I saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one with six wings: with two they covered their face, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. And they cried to one another and said:...

New Direction

New Direction

When we find ourselves moving in a certain direction and focused on our goals, it can be jarring to feel like God suddenly is taking us in a new direction. It's hard to consider that what we are currently building is no longer necessary or worse, futile all along. We...

New Command

New Command

Whenever we head into a new normal, there is usually an old normal we have to contend with first. We transition into a new normal when an old normal no longer works or the new normal is significantly better. This week, we'll discuss a new command Jesus gives his...



Adoption brings up mixed emotions. The term “adopted” can be used to show affection or insult. Our understanding of adoption comes from our picture of family. Many times we have a picture of family that limits our understanding of the truth of adoption. In this...



We’ve all had parents. They’re responsible for at least some part of shaping how we got to where we are today. And our different kinds of experiences with parents have affected our thoughts on parenting. But what if we could broaden our idea of what it means to be a...

One Last Thing

One Last Thing

Last words are important words. Books have been written and lists compiled about the last things that famous and influential people have said. This week in our study of 2 Timothy, the Apostle Paul will write his last and most important words to Timothy, his protégé....

Suffering for the Gospel

Suffering for the Gospel

As Paul writes his last words, he encourages Timothy to remember the gospel in kind of a strange way: he urges Timothy to join with him in suffering for the gospel. Is there a different way to see suffering? In this message, we’ll see how God empowers us to maintain...

Get Your Hands Dirty

Get Your Hands Dirty

Following Jesus calls us out of the bleachers and into the game. But being in the game means we have to get out of our comfort zones and get our hands dirty. This willingness to lay aside ourselves is at the heart of volunteering. In this message, we’ll see how Jesus...

the god of success

the god of success

If there is a god most near and dear to the heart of our culture it is the god of success. The god of success promises us the control, allowing us to make our own way; the approval of others who recognize what we've done; and the access to whatever pleasures we may...

Stand for the Orphan

Stand for the Orphan

God’s Word makes it clear that orphans are close to His heart. He calls us to defend the cause of orphans. Here at LifePoint, one of the ways our church family cares for orphans is through Alpha Life, an orphan ministry in Dnipro, Ukraine. In partnership with Orphan...

The Weaver’s

The Weaver’s

Conrad & Jodi Weaver talk about their involvement with the LifePoint missions to Ukraine. When they decided to take on leading the trip their lives were changed forever. Related Stories SermonsStudiesGuidesArticlesStoriesFilmsDonateAboutLifePoint ChurchSubscribe...