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Searching for the Generous Life
Just like modest investments can grow over time, our investment into God’s kingdom generates growth and produces eternal dividends. The apostle Paul presented the Macedonian believers as an example of generous giving to the Corinthian church and to us. Let’s explore some of the reasons to grow in generosity together.
Searching for Reconciliation
Confronting others concerning biblical/theological compromise is never easy or pleasant. Such encounters must be handled with sensitivity to the needs of others, directed by spiritual wisdom and the Scriptures, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Paul closed chapter two of his letter to the Galatians by telling of his public encounter with Peter, during which Paul boldly confronted Peter concerning his hypocrisy before the church in Antioch.
Searching for Courage
On the surface, hearing God and following His commands seems straightforward. However, when God calls us to do something that generates fear in us, finding the courage to obey such a call is overwhelming. Today, we will explore the call God gave to Gideon and see how we can follow Gideon’s courage to obey God.
Our Faithful Partner
I had not realized how angry I had become or how far I had strayed from Him until recently when I had what felt like a complete emotional and mental breakdown. I have always known God to be exactly who He says He is, but in April 2018 a division in the church I had attended for twenty years started me on a spiritual decline causing me to question everything I believed about church leaders and God himself.
Waiting on Peace
It’s easy enough to read “don’t let your heart be troubled,” but it’s another thing all together to put it into practice. I had confessed my mistake and asked for forgiveness, I’d done everything I could think of to find peace. So why was my heart still troubled?
Hearing for the Holidays
Often, our holiday gatherings include people who aren’t in our day-to-day orbit… and maybe for good reason. They may have ideas, opinions, or beliefs so far from our own that it can feel like they live on a different planet. We may not always agree with those around us, but as followers of Christ, we are called to be quick to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19).
Day 5: Treasure With Us
Christmas tends to make me a little… grumpy. I don’t like endings and I abhor goodbyes. As an angsty teen, I began to sense frustration with the inescapable fact that, after the month of excitement and anticipation of Christmas, it would all be over in a flash
Day 4: Healing With Us
The plan was to be home by Thanksgiving. For sixty days at the eating disorder treatment center, I had looked forward to being home to celebrate the holidays and readjust to normal life before heading back to school for the spring semester.
But September had blurred right into November. Sixty days became ninety, and I still wasn’t ready to return home. An intermediate program, a step down from the current intensive program, was recommended for my next steps. A week before Christmas, instead of driving north to Pennsylvania, I stoically boarded a plane headed west–all the way to Arizona. Dry, hot, completely unfamiliar Arizona and still not recovered. This was the last place –geographically and situationally–I expected to land the third week of December.
Day 3: United With Us
My college roommate grew up in Israel, the daughter of missionaries. For many of Elisa’s childhood Christmas Eves, she sat on the hills overlooking Bethlehem with her family, caroling and worshipping Jesus miles from the place where He entered this world.
It’s hard for me to even fathom what that must have been like for Elisa. I spent many of my Christmas Eves in a popular Chinese restaurant in my hometown of Carroll County, Maryland. The hustle and bustle of hurried waiters and the clamoring of hungry guests couldn’t be farther from the peaceful hills of the Israeli countryside that my friend experienced.