It seems innocent enough. What harm is there comparing ourselves to others? From social media to friendly competition, our culture is a breeding ground for comparison. Maybe you’ve fallen victim without even realizing it. But comparison kills. The fruit of comparison leads us down one of two roads. The road of self-righteousness or the road of inferiority. Either way, you lose.
What cultural outlets can you think of that contribute to comparison? In what ways are you most likely to compare yourself with others?
One researcher notes that social media is “a turbo-charged, precision instrument for social comparison unlike anything in human history.” Another says, “Social media is like kerosene poured on the flame of social comparison…” What are the benefits of social media? How might it contribute to the trap of comparison?
Read 2 Corinthians 10:12. What is God’s perspective on comparison? Why is it unwise to compare?
How can comparison lead to discontentment, discouragement, envy, jealousy, bitterness or gossip?
Read Galatians 6:4-5. What can help us conquer comparison in our own lives? What parallel lessons can you draw from the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)?
When you compare yourself with others are you more likely to feel superior or inferior (better than or worse than)? What is the sin in each of these extremes?
Are You Listening?
One of the most significant barriers to relationships is the failure to listen. It is impossible to effectively relate to others if we’re not listening. When we do listen, relationships come to life. Listening makes us feel heard, understood, valued, loved. The power...
We’re all made to live in community. But today we find ourselves living increasingly isolated lives. As we further disconnect from other people, we lose not only the support of community we need, but we also lose the sense of fulfillment in Christ that God intended...
Singing Off Key
There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing us that people do moderately well at evaluating others, but are often terrible at evaluating themselves. As a result, many of us are not self-aware in regard to our relationships. Said another way, we don’t have a...
Next Level Faith
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The Art of Showing Up
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Exuberant Encouragement
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