The Key to Freedom
To this point in Galatians, Paul has done much in the way of explaining the freedom available in the gospel and the condemnation present in the Law. But how do we get that freedom, especially those of us who don’t feel so “free?” What is it that we need to do in order to experience the fullness of the freedom Paul speaks of?
Discussion Questions
Which works of the “flesh” or sinful nature do you see in your life? If you are a believer, can you see how your two natures conflict?
Examine yourself. How can you see the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? Do you have any natural characteristics that can be confused with this fruit?
Can you think of a specific time you knew you were being led by the Spirit? How do you know?
What is the difference between just doing the right thing and actually walking in the Spirit? Is there one? Explain.
The Final Word
The book of Galatians is a powerful treatise on the sufficiency of God’s grace to save us apart from the externals of law-keeping. Attempting to keep the law as the way to salvation or even as the means for growing in Christ ends in failure and bondage. Freedom is...
Relationships, Sowing, and Reaping
God's Spirit gives new life to His people so that we can live like we have new life. This new life only properly functions in community with other people. When we walk in selfless community by God's Spirit, we experience the benefits of new life in Him. Discussion...
For Freedom
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. These are some of the most powerful and important words of the New Testament. The Grace of God through Jesus Christ sets us free to live in fellowship with God and with others. If only it were that simple. The book of...
Moving Forward Not Backwards
Believing in Jesus for your salvation means you’re adopted by God and headed to heaven. But becoming a Christian won’t help you change and grow unless you’re cooperating with God’s Spirit in your life. You’re either moving forward or sliding backwards. Spiritual...
From Slaves to Heirs
Through faith alone in Christ alone we’re transformed from slaves to heirs—heirs of God! God places the believer into the body of Christ. And in that moment, we put on Christ. That’s a profound, new reality. The only alternative to a life without Christ is bondage to...
The Law and The Gospel
God has a covenant relationship with His people, and He always keeps His promises, no matter what our shortcomings may be. In fact, even our best efforts don't get us into right relationship with God. We only have right relationship with Him because of Jesus. The Law...
Bewitched and Foolish
Sometimes clarifying the gospel requires stern language. Confusion about the nature of salvation and walking with God is a serious matter. That’s why Paul addresses the Galatian Christians as “bewitched” and “foolish.” It’s like a spell was cast over them. Their...