The Most We Can Do
The Most We Can Do
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people..
God, thank you for the opportunity to intercede on the behalf of the people we love. We don’t understand exactly how prayer works, but we thank you that You invite us to participate in relationship with You.
Have you ever thought that?
I often overlook the truth that praying for someone else IS the biggest thing I can be doing for them. It isn’t the least I can do for someone. Instead it is the MOST I can do.
Prayer is communication with God. WITH God. The Almighty Powerful Loving Creator of the Universe. It is huge.
Prayer is acknowledging that you can communicate with God and that He hears you.
Prayer is reverence.
Prayer is worship.
Prayer is love.
When we pray for our loved one we are interceding on their behalf. We are taking our Mother’s, Father’s, Brother’s, Sister’s, Son’s, Daughter’s, Spouse’s, Friend’s burdens and needs to the ONE who can help and heal. The only one.
What an honor! Instead of a small role, you are playing the largest role and offering the greatest gift.
Would you take a minute and pray for someone today?
Our Faithful Partner
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Waiting on Peace
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Hearing for the Holidays
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