The Untapped Power of Goodness
It’s impossible to explain the Gospel without using words. But when those words are accompanied by a lifestyle that is good and right, the power of the Gospel becomes exponential. Would those around you describe you as a good person? When our behavior matches our message about hope and salvation, we become living examples that God really does change people.
Reasons to Believe
Our culture and our world have changed dramatically in the last few decades. We now live in a “Post-Christian” America in which familiarity with the Bible, respect for Judeo-Christian values and even belief in God can no longer be assumed. As a result, it is often the...
There’s More Good News
Poverty is oppressive. Its stranglehold destroys hope and ultimately leads to despair. We’ve all known poverty; if not physical poverty then at least spiritual poverty. The good news of the gospel is news that meets people exactly where they are. It’s news that can...
Something About Those People
The good news about Jesus is that He came so that we might have life and have it to the fullest. An offer this amazing can easily seem too good to be true. It is completely understandable that someone would be skeptical or want to reserve judgement. But when we...
Just to be Clear
The life-changing hope of the good news about Jesus is too important to make muddy. We owe it to ourselves to be clear about this simple message of salvation. You have a story to tell. But your story can take others only so far. Sooner or later, you’ll need to know...
A Good Place to Start
What if we could help create a culture where sharing the good news about Jesus becomes a natural conversation? Around our church we’ve created an environment where those kinds of conversations can happen. It’s called Starting Point. And in this non-threatening, small...
Good News & Bad News
When we have good news like a job promotion, the birth of a child, or even a new car, we usually want to tell others about it. But when it comes to telling others about the good news Jesus shared, what he’s done for us and what we receive from Him, it’s often...