What Remains True
What Remains True
- Jesus said: Life is hard. It’s okay to admit that and feel all the hard feelings. He also said we have two things to take to heart. 1) He gives us peace in the middle of trouble. 2) He has overcome the world. Someday all will be made right again.
- We have a hope that the rest of the world doesn’t have, and we can wage war with LOVE and HOPE to those who don’t know.
- Life will go back to normal and we will ride a plane, eat in a restaurant, and go bowling again. But what good will those gains be if we forfeit what we have now?
- In this time when every day there are more and more restrictions, may we focus on what we do have. What truly matters in light of eternity?
- Our schedules may be completely out of whack, but as believers we still have a job to do: Preach the gospel! How can we creatively tell people about Jesus in the midst of “social distancing”?
Jesus, thank You for truth that stands eternal. Grant each one of us exactly what we need for these challenging times. Protect and guide us. Give us your wisdom. Show us how to love and live for You. We love You and trust You. Amen.
- The world (aka the news) is going to give you many reasons to fear and panic. Jesus gives us PEACE. Period.
- We will NEVER walk in darkness if we know Jesus. Even the darkest dark here on earth can’t extinguish the Light of the World. He gives us life, both now, and forever.
Our Faithful Partner
Our Faithful PartnerThus says the LORD: “Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce, with which I sent her away? Or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities you were sold, and for your transgressions your mother was sent...
Waiting on Peace
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Hearing for the Holidays
Hearing for the HolidaysA fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2 (NIV)As much as I would love for my family holidays to reflect the lyrics of the Christmas music we hear at this time of year, for most of us, having a...