Wisdom Literature
The term “Wisdom Literature” acts as a large umbrella covering a wide scope of writings found in the Bible. It includes prayers, songs, proverbs, stories, romance, philosophy and lament. Some of these works deal with great universal questions of meaning and purpose and why bad things happen to good people; others are concerned with matters as mundane as how to deal with an intrusive neighbor, what we can learn from ants or how to respond when your spouse isn’t in the mood. This collection of literature made up of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations and Job contain powerful insights into every facet of life expressed in some of the most beautiful and creative literature ever composed.
What unites this diverse collection of works is their purpose:
to instruct the people of God in how to live well and how
to live honestly. When we understand what these books are
communicating and apply their wisdom to our lives, we will live
better. We will learn how respond to difficulties with both joy
and wisdom. We will learn how to better navigate
relationships and handle conflict. We will learn what it looks like
to be honest with God about our frustrations, doubts and
anger. We will learn how to pray. How to grieve. How to love.
How to live. How to worship.
The key is learning how to receive the wisdom offered and
apply it to our lives.
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Apocalyptic Literature
Apocalyptic Literature focuses on the coming final judgment and salvation of the world at the end of history as we know it. It is both some of the most fascinating and the most confusing literature of the Bible. Extra care is needed when studying the Apocalyptic books...
The Epistles make up over two-thirds of the entire New Testament (21 of the 27 books) and were written by Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude, with the majority being Paul’s. The value of the Epistles to the church cannot be overestimated. These books unpack and...
Four Books. That is all the information we have about the life of Jesus. Four books, 89 chapters, just under 65,000 words in the original language - that’s it. Yet these four books have done more to change the world than all other books combined. These four books tell...
A Prophet is someone who speaks the words of God for the people. In this sense, the words and activities of prophets are a far broader presence in the Bible than what is recorded in Prophetic literature. The words of prophets such as Melchizedek, Moses, Samuel,...
Old Testament Narratives
Over 40% of the Old Testament is made up of narrative – Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Job, Ezra, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, A Crooked Line Straight to Jesus Week-2 Old Testament...
Bible Overview
The Bible is not one book, it is a collection of 66 books (63 if you consider that Samuel, Kings and Chronicles are not split in the Hebrew Bible). Sixty-six books written over the course of about 1500 years that tell one story – the story of God’s rescue of His...