Words To Live By

by Nov 12, 2021Easy and Light

Words To Live By

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Phillipeans 4:8 (ESV)

Growing up, the front of our refrigerator was covered with scripture, prayer lists, photos, poems, quotes, and music lyrics. Unbeknownst to me, as I haphazardly grabbed the juice, I was committing these powerful words to memory. I can STILL recite the poem, “The Test of the Heart,” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. “The test of the heart is trouble, and it always comes with the years, the smile that is worth all the praises of the earth is the smile that shines through tears…”

There’s so much bombarding our hearts and minds on the daily. Aligning our thoughts on Him and His Truths are imperative and takes intentionality, as the verse above from Philippians tells us.

Our fridges and other surfaces around our homes are prime opportunities for scripture and other words to redirect our hearts and point them to Him. We have an enemy who is known as the Father of Lies. He slithers around us and feeds us falsehoods. And if we’re not careful, we believe him! So we must guard our mind and heart (Proverbs 4:23).

Father,  our hearts and minds are a battle ground. Remind us of Your promises and Your Word. Your Word is powerful! It’s our sword as we slay the forces of darkness! We claim victory because of what You’ve done and how You’ve equipped us.

I find myself placing scripture around our house on mirrors, the microwave, and above light switches to prompt my heart to prayer and to turn my attention to Him. I have a dear friend battling an illness and frequently throughout my day my heart is reminded of the truth and comfort of Romans 8:26, “the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed.”

We don’t passively develop a heart and mind rooted in Him. It is a discipline to keep our gaze on Jesus.

Placing His Word at points of interest around our home helps me engage with the Holy Spirit. I’m also hoping it plants seeds of faith for the young, precious souls in my home that they can carry with them to adulthood, like I did.

Put on the Armor of God. Draw your sword! (Ephesians 6:10-18) We all have a battle before us. Let’s make sure the Word of God is within us!

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