Beyond Our Reach
It’s usually a good sign when we’re reaching for things that require God’s help. If we could make progress without God, then maybe we should reconsider the goal. The story of Nehemiah and the Jewish people is one of remarkable accomplishment. It all began with an angst about the condition of a city and ended with white-hot-holy enthusiasm and effort. And still today, God looks for us to go Beyond Our Reach.
Discussion Questions
Nehemiah was so distressed about the condition of Jerusalem that he wept, fasted and prayed (Neh. 1:1-4). What moves you to respond like Nehemiah?
Read the content of Nehemiah’s prayer to God (Neh. 1:5-11). Highlight the parts of the prayer. What themes emerge? What do the words of Nehemiah’s prayer tell us about himself and about God? Try praying your own prayer including some of the themes you see in Nehemiah’s prayer.
Nehemiah was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. Read Nehemiah 2:1-3. Why would Nehemiah have been afraid? Why does faith sometimes require risk? What risks are you taking to fulfill a vision you believe God has given you?
What were the specifics of the bold request Nehemiah made of the king? (Read Neh. 2:4-10) Do you recall a time when you took big steps of faith in the face of what seemed like insurmountable odds? What are your biggest faith challenges right now?
In Nehemiah 2:11-16, Nehemiah surveys the damage to the city and assesses what it will take to do the repairs. How do faith and hard work combine for success?
Why is it not surprising to learn that some people will oppose the plans of God (Read Neh. 2:17-20)? How do you handle opposition?
Our church is moving Beyond Our Reach. What is your best contribution to the LifePoint movement?
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Beyond Our Doubt
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