Hot or Cold? – Revelation 3:14-22
The last book of the Bible is one of the most difficult to understand. Revelation contains imagery and symbolism that can be very confusing. One such passage in Revelation involves Jesus warning a church that he is preparing to “spit them out of his mouth” because they are “neither hot nor cold.” What does this warning mean? Was this church in danger of losing salvation or did Jesus mean something else?
Discussion Questions
Have you ever been treated with indifference by someone important to you? What was that like? How did you respond?
Read Revelation 3:14-16. Who is talking and what is the problem? Why do you think Jesus prefers a “cold” believer to a “lukewarm” believer?
Read Revelation 3:17, 18. What specific information are we given about the priorities of this church? What is the source of their problem?
What is Jesus talking about when he says that he “stands at the door and knocks?” To whom is this invitation given and what does it mean?
There are many parallels between the church in America and the church in Laodicea, what can we learn from the warning they are given and how can we take it to heart?
Confessing Jesus – Romans 10:9-10
People often try to make salvation harder to get than it really is. Faith alone in Christ alone is the clear teaching of the Bible. But a few verses in the Book of Romans seem to suggest that you must also confess Christ openly if you really want to be saved. What...
Perfect Judgment – Matthew 7:1-12
Maybe you’ve heard that the Bible tells us not to judge others. Perhaps you’ve even used those words to defend a mistake or misstep on your part. And yes, while there is a verse in Matthew 7 that begins like that, when context is understood, we find there is much more...
Hope and Change – Exodus 32:9-14
Can we trust God? The easy answer is, of course, but this answer is sometimes easier to say than it is to believe. When things go wrong, is God still there? When we go wrong, can we still trust God? Or will He change His mind and reject us in anger? Our experiences...
Max Impact: Gifts, Roles, and Contributions – Genesis 2:15, 18
With so many people, a variety in gifts/talents, and a common desire to make positive contributions, harmony should be no problem, right? Yet it seems men and women are increasingly stumbling to figure out how to work together in harmony at home, in our world, even in...
Receiving Grace In Vain – 2 Corinthians 6:1
Quite often we find ourselves racing through life, taking advantage of every opportunity, moment, and experience that comes our way. In this fast-paced reality it is incredibly easy for us to get consumed in the rush of activity, but eventually realize our priorities...
What is Dead Faith? – James 2:17
Suggest to people that salvation is by faith alone and you’re likely to hear disagreements. Many would say, “Faith is not enough. It must be accompanied by works or it’s not real. So, the person of dead faith remains an unbeliever.” James 2 is a chapter filled with...
Called According to His Purpose – Rom. 8:28
Since before recorded history began, human beings have been telling stories as a way of structuring our reality. Even today, the individual stories we tell about ourselves often determine how we view the world and the type of people we become. In the book of Romans,...
Do You Love Me? – John 21:15-25
We have all done or said things we wish we could undo or take back. Through this, we have felt the weight of our own miscalculated action or response, and sometimes that weight can feel unbearable. For Peter, this was no exception. He denied Christ not once, or twice,...
Contentment – Phil 4:10-14
We live in a society chock full of opportunities to seek that which is supposed to satisfy us. From the seemingly meaningless to the more important in life, we have been accustomed to search out what is best for ourselves. On the surface, there is nothing inherently...
Plans, Prosperity, & Promise – Jer. 29:11
You may have heard that God has plans for His people, plans for His people to prosper and have hope. But what does that really mean? And how does that fit with the times in life when we don’t see prosperity or hope like we thought we would? As we take a look at what...