Playing Off-Key
Playing Your Part
Any remix of any song is incomplete until the instruments and voices are in the same key. And the LifePoint movement, like a musical score, is incomplete unless you’re playing your part. As a believer in Jesus, you have been gifted by God to give yourself to something...
A Melody For the World
The world is a big place. And the needs in our world are bigger than ever. When God works in the world He looks for people through whom He can pour His life and love. Our response to Jesus’ Great Commission finds us in different corners of the globe. But we didn’t...
A Song Worth Singing
A remix can make a good song great. This is especially true when the lyrics of the song are moving and profound. At our church we have a life-changing message of hope for all to hear and experience. Jesus is the hope of the world. Unapologetically, we’re on a mission...
Catching a New Rhythm
A remix creates a fresh, new rhythm in the life of a familiar song. It works that way with life too. In a season of exciting transitions, our church is catching a new rhythm and experiencing a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit among us. Our role is to stay yielded to the...