Your Community

Your Community

We have been talking about community a lot lately. But what does community look like to you? Can we even see the community around us or have we become so tuned in to our day-to-day duties that we are missing the opportunity for genuine community? Possibly, even worse,...

God Is Community

God Is Community

The Doctrine of the Trinity – that God is One in Essence and Three in Person – is one of the most ancient and well established beliefs in Christianity. While it is perplexing, mysterious, and often confusing, it is far from irrelevant. God’s simultaneous unity and...

The Secret Path to Courage

The Secret Path to Courage

Sometimes secrets are meant to be told—especially when those secrets could help us change for the better. For many people, finding courage can be a difficult assignment. But what if we all discovered the secret path to courage? Maybe it’s possible to create a...

Normally Weird

Normally Weird

If you follow Jesus you’re weird. You’re supposed to be weird. You don’t have to read much of the life of Jesus or his teachings to realize that there was something wonderfully weird about him or that he called his followers to live out that same weirdness together....

Don’t Go It Alone

Don’t Go It Alone

We can be individuals to a fault—independent and self-sufficient, never needing anything from anyone and never giving anything to anyone. But we were created by God to function in community with others. You can surround yourself with people who, with you, can make a...

What If You Can Make a Difference

What If You Can Make a Difference

At some point in your childhood you were most likely asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Maybe you followed those early inklings or maybe not. Regardless of your profession, you can make a difference in the world around you. God only holds you...

Divided We Fall

Divided We Fall

It’s a sad story when something starts well and ends poorly. God had picked a people for Himself. They started well with a unified purpose and calling. But soon division threatened to destroy what God was building. Not only was the kingdom divided but worse yet, they...

Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe

Our culture and our world have changed dramatically in the last few decades. We now live in a “Post-Christian” America in which familiarity with the Bible, respect for Judeo-Christian values and even belief in God can no longer be assumed. As a result, it is often the...

Something About Those People

Something About Those People

The good news about Jesus is that He came so that we might have life and have it to the fullest. An offer this amazing can easily seem too good to be true. It is completely understandable that someone would be skeptical or want to reserve judgement. But when we...

Good News & Bad News

Good News & Bad News

When we have good news like a job promotion, the birth of a child, or even a new car, we usually want to tell others about it. But when it comes to telling others about the good news Jesus shared, what he’s done for us and what we receive from Him, it’s often...

Playing Your Part

Playing Your Part

Any remix of any song is incomplete until the instruments and voices are in the same key. And the LifePoint movement, like a musical score, is incomplete unless you’re playing your part. As a believer in Jesus, you have been gifted by God to give yourself to something...

A Song Worth Singing

A Song Worth Singing

A remix can make a good song great. This is especially true when the lyrics of the song are moving and profound. At our church we have a life-changing message of hope for all to hear and experience. Jesus is the hope of the world. Unapologetically, we’re on a mission...

An Audience of One

An Audience of One

Would you agree that what others think about us has a pretty strong effect on how we see ourselves? Then, how we view ourselves determines how we view life, how we will interpret our circumstances and how we interact with everyone around us. The problem is, we usually...

Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Kill ‘Em With Kindness

We live in a world that tells us that if we get hit, we’ve got to hit back harder. That it’s okay to be disrespectful if we’ve been disrespected. That somehow the right response is to fight fire with fire, return insult for insult, and hurt those who have hurt us. And...

Playing Like a Team

Playing Like a Team

One of the basic fundamentals of a team sport is that you play like a team. The likelihood of victory increases when each team member works together to contribute the very best possible. Nowhere is teamwork more essential than in the body of Christ. Because we’re on...