Hope for Tomorrow Today

Hope for Tomorrow Today

The plans of God can be mysterious and confusing. But it’s possible, no matter the circumstances, to have hope that God is working out His good purposes. Sometimes pain and unpleasant seasons are the result of God’s discipline and sometimes they remind us that we live...

If You Can Keep It

If You Can Keep It

Times of wandering don’t last forever. The Bible tells how God brought His people into the land He promised and gave them victory. He was with them in their success just as He had been in their failure and wandering. But as the people of Israel discovered, the...

There’s More Good News

There’s More Good News

Poverty is oppressive. Its stranglehold destroys hope and ultimately leads to despair. We’ve all known poverty; if not physical poverty then at least spiritual poverty. The good news of the gospel is news that meets people exactly where they are. It’s news that can...