Very Best Summer – Week 4

by | Aug 22, 2021 | Kids, Very Best Summer

Today, day four of our VBS month, we will take another look at Zacchaeus’s story. We will see how Jesus’ love CHANGED Zacchaeus. It made him want to turn his life around. He turned away from what he had done wrong, and he worked to make things right with the people he had hurt. ALL of us can change. When we’ve done something we’re not proud of . . . or we realize that we’ve messed up or hurt someone’s feelings . . . God can give us the confidence to change our ways. He can give us the courage to say we’re sorry. With His help, we can make things right! Our bottom line this week is: I can have confidence because I can change.

Very Best Summer – Week 5

We’re wrapping up an incredible month together here at LPC celebrating the VERY BEST SUMMER! Our last bottom line is: I can have the confidence to make a difference. We can help others understand how much Jesus loves them by the way we treat them every day. After all,...

Very Best Summer – Week 3

Week THREE of our VBS at LPC! Today we are reminded that we are forgiven! Our bottom line is: I can have confidence because I am forgiven. We know that even if we mess up, we can always talk to God about it. And He will ALWAYS forgive us. He’ll help us to make a...

Very Best Summer – Week 2

Week TWO of our VBS! Today we are discovering a BIG reason why we can have confidence. Our bottom line is: I can have confidence because I belong. We know that’s true because we can remember the way Jesus chose His first disciples. He didn’t pick people who were...

Very Best Summer – Week 1

This month our K-5 are celebrating the VERY BEST SUMMER (VBS)! Today we discover that we have the BEST reason to have confidence. First and foremost, we can have confidence because Jesus KNOWS us. Jesus knows everything about you and He loves you. The bottom line is:...