A Time For Everything
A Time For Everything
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
The other day I was going for a walk and noticed a house with tree seedlings planted in their front yard. I giggled to myself, remembering the older couple that lived there years before. They had a row of large trees that bordered the front of their property. The couple could not handle the yard work, so they cut the trees down. Eventually, the older couple moved and sold the house to a younger couple. In time, the younger couple wanted the privacy, so they planted tree seedlings. I just found this funny. Yet, it brought to mind the verse in Ecclesiastes “there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” For both of these couples, their plan for the trees in their yard was different because they were in different seasons.
This global pandemic personally impacts our current season. For essential workers and moms with young children, this could be a season of exhaustion. For parents working from home or small business owners this could be a season of stress. For others it could be a season of rest, fear, discouragement or loneliness.
My challenge to you is this: identify your current season. Sit in it. Accept it. Do not rush it. Seasons are intended for a certain period of time to accomplish a purpose. The difficulty is that the length of the season is often unknown to us, but it IS known our Mighty God. WE are known by our Mighty God. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
I do not want to waste this time and I do not want to walk away from this season missing His will for me. No matter what season we are in, we have the ability to grow from it. So how do we grow?
Lord, we do not ask for certain seasons in our lives, but we know that You can use them to make us more like You. I pray that we are open to Your will and accept where we are. Help us grow, Lord. Help us to be a blessing and draw us closer to You. Amen.
We use our time to honor Him. Some examples include: spending time with Him in the Word, giving your time and resources creatively, praying personally and with others, resting in His presence, writing what He places on your heart, reaching out to the person He places on your heart, filling your home with worship music, playing music, drawing or painting, walking outside and noticing His creation, letting other people serve you, forgiving those you need to forgive, confessing what you need to confess, writing a letter to bless someone, or making space for someone considered “the least of these.” Ask Jesus, what do You want from me in this season? Then, listen for His answer.
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